Wednesday, January 9, 2013

To fear departure

I can not express the joy I have serving here. Surrounded by great examples of faith and zeal. Brothers and and sister who have suffered more than physical abuse from their close family to stay in the truth. Students who view kingdom hall cleanings as a privilege that they reach for. Zealous young ones that at the age of 21 have already served as regular pioneers for 7-8 years and now enjoy the joy of special pioneering. Couples in their 30s who have served for at least a decade as pioneers and now enjoy the privilege of special service. Publishers who have worked this territory initially and to become missionaries. Brothers who have used their singleness to the fullest attending the Bible school for single brothers. Parents who when childless served in special service now instill the same zeal in their children. Students who are willing to quit a job to have more for personal study and meetings. Sigh I will cry when I have to leave. My time here is coming to an end. I'm trying to use it wisely out in service so that if I can't come back (realistically very likely :( ) I will have enjoyed it to the "fuul" as they say here.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like you had an amazing experience nonetheless. How I dream of experiencing this one day. Even for a brief period of time. I'm glad I was able to read about your journey. It was such a treat. I hope you will get to go serve again eventually. Jehovah may make the way. :) I can't wait to experience this, one day.
